Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Drowning My Sorrows

It comes as no surprise that Tuesday morning was spent nursing a rather nasty hangover. Steph came home after she finished class, saw my bottle of wine open on the table, and pulled out another bottle. Her day had gone as well as mine, so we polished off both bottles, felt sorry for ourselves, and went to bed. Julien arrived at some point, gave Steph a hug, walked into the dining room and saw me sitting on the floor, probably looking as pathetic as humanly possible, and kindly gave me a big hug as well. He attempted to reassure us, but it didn't really work. My prospects of passing my french classes are not good.

The rest of Tuesday I just pottered round the house, when I really should have been working (which is what I also should be doing at the moment). Then Tuesday night, when I really shoudn't have, I went out with Eric, one of the American boys on my trivia team this week, and his friend Mischa. We went to an Irish bar on Rue Mouffetard, and hung out there for awhile before heading back to Eric's. So, when my alarm went off at 9am I was the opposite of impressed.

Happily, I had a lecture in French today, and although I didn't understand even close to most of it, I think I've got the general idea. Steph and I are doing it together, and on my way out I spotted Mischa and Joe, the other American from trivia, so hopefully I can get a bit of assistance!

No other news, other than we got our letterbox key yesterday and I am hopefully able to pick up our internet box from the post office tomorrow! (Provided it's been delivered, otherwise I will have to make an angry french call to the internet people)

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