Sunday, May 3, 2009

Spring Break and Alcholism

Hi All!

Definitely haven't left it so long, although it has been awhile!

So, Spring Break. Not exactly the relaxing or productive week I'd been hoping for. Worked Friday and Saturday, as I usually do. Sunday went to trivia, Monday hung out at home... And from Tuesday night it all went downhill.

On Tuesday I caught up with my friend Chris, a Scottish guy who had hung out with Dave (my ex) and I when he and his friend were travelling around Australia. He'd been skiing in Switzerland and was travelling back through Paris, and stopped by for a visit. So that was lovely!

Tuesday night, I had work from 8pm til midnight. So I was working, it was pretty quiet, and was chatting to three english guys who had been in Paris for the week, and were going home the next day. I finished, and as I was leaving, they told me I should stay for a drink. They were with Helene, another bartender at work, who had been showing them around Paris. So, the five of us hung out. Then Helene went home when the bar closed. I got home at 11am on Wednesday morning, because we decided it would be a really good idea to, when the bar closed, go back to their hotel room and keep drinking.

The rest of Wednesday I spent napping, and was just on my way back from picking up takeaway sushi when my phone rang. It was my friend Rob, who had been down in Burgundy, and arrived back in Paris, only to realise he'd forgotten his apartment key. So he came round, and we stayed up drinking wine and chatting until very late.

Thursday I did some study, so as a reward on Thursday night I went into work as my boss had just had a baby, and had invited us round for a drink. Anna came and met me, as I hadn't seen her in ages! After she headed off, I went and met Steph, Tess and Soph at Cha Cha Club. We stayed there dancing for ages, it seemed to be the gay night because there were gay guys everywhere. It was especially fun when Britney came on, and I was really happy about it because I wasn't in the mood to deal with sleazy french men. I'd worn my new floral overalls, which was fun, although it was only after Steph and I were walking home that we realised I'd worn 6 euro overalls to one of the chicest clubs in Paris...

Friday and Saturday night I worked again. On Sunday night Slater (who was back in Paris) and I went to Cafe Charlot for dinner, in the Marais, and went to La Perle, where we were entertained by one of the craziest and most beautiful girls I'd ever seen in my life having a fight with her boyfriend. She was Italian. Slater and I then went back to my place and kept drinking, so got to bed really late, I woke up at 1.45 and realised I had to be at uni at 2.45. So that was a bit of a mad rush.

Then just spent the week studying for my first ever exam, on Saturday. Happily on Friday Misa and I went to the Marais, had a falafel and sat in a park in the sun studying. Our exam was the most mentally draining thing I've ever done - it was four hours long, and I had to write a dissertation on whether or not there was a malaise in political representation in Europe... in french.

So, finished 45 minutes early and went to Rob's place for a drink while I was waiting for Steph to finish (she somehow managed to run out of time!). Then, work.

This week haven't done a great deal, had two exposes due for two different classes, and worked Thursday as well as Friday (and will be doing Saturday as well) so I'm pretty tired. But, on Friday it was a public holiday, and we have Jess and her friend Marcella up from Lyon staying with us. So we went and had a picnic in Place des Vosges in the Marais, which was lovely. The weather was so nice I even got a little teeny bit sunburnt!

The other exciting thing is that I've started doing some vague planning for my summer travels! Yay!

Will be in touch. My friend Isabel is coming over from London, where she's an au pair, on Friday for the weekend. I've taken time off work, so I think there will be plenty of adventures to share!


  1. Miss Georgia - I love your crazy life! Sounds like you are loving everything still! Miss Jo has communicated to me your 'directions' that she and I are to borrow Michelle's facebook to check out your photos (I thought the 'direction' was very appropriate, given you are Justice Georgia in training after all...) - so we'll do that later this week! Take care darlin!

  2. This is an important post because it brings to the light the whole idea of the college experience and how it is tied up in binge drinking. Many people who end up in an alcohol treatment center during their adult years have likely started drinking during college - as the whole concept of alcohol consumption was glamourized during their teens and seen as a rite of passage for young men and women.
